The expanded condensate tank farm is to store condensate produced by the2nd and1st cpfs. 扩建罐区用于储存来自第二处理厂及第一处理厂来的产品凝析油。
Condensate tank area is arranged close to the enclosure in the west of the plant area, so as to avoid impact on personnel and important units. 凝析油罐区靠近厂区西面围墙边布置,避免对人员及重要装置影响。
Unstable condensate pumping station with buffer tank. 有缓冲罐的不稳定凝析油泵送站。
Normal make-up and Emergency make-up are achieved directly in the Condensate Receiver Tank. 正常补给水和紧急补给水可以直接从凝结水回收箱中得到。
An Improved Design for the Hot Contaminated Condensate Tank System 改进制浆污热水槽系统的设计
Improvement of the Design for Hot Contaminated Condensate Tank System 改进蒸球喷放污热水槽系统的装置